Using Lodash as a Collection of Micro-Libraries

So a thing happened recently. I'm sure you've heard of it by now. 11 lines of code were unpublished from npm and all hell broke loose. This post isn't going to be about my opinion, everyone else on the Internet seems to be handling that just fine. This also isn't going to be a summary of what happened. The npm blog post does that just fine and gets in to all the details I don't feel like writing about (legal stuff... ugh...). This is going to be a discussion on the context of why this happened and a few ways it can be avoided in the future (but I'm not going to talk about preventing unpublishing, others around the Internet including the npm blog post already cover that avenue).

The origin: micro-libraries and keeping things DRY.

Micro libraries are great. They follow the philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well so we can keep our code DRY without depending on huge monolithic libraries. Changes, such as bug or compatibility fixes are easily pushed out to everyone depending on these micro libraries and everyone is happy. Until one of those micro libraries goes missing.

Some have suggested that these 11 lines of code were so basic that developers should have implemented them themselves. I disagree with this approach. I don't want my application download size to start bloating because various dependencies are all implementing their own functionality when they can all get that functionality from one place. The next common suggestion is that highly-depended-upon code should be moved in to the standard library. The problem with this idea is that when you are writing JavaScript you typically aren't just targeting one platform. You are targeting different versions of all the major browser vendors, node, and maybe even Rhino or some other platforms that run JavaScript (I was recently targeting Adobe After Effects which runs ES3! Party like it's 1999!). History has shown that people are slow to upgrade (or they simply can't upgrade) which results in developers polyfilling missing functionality. And what are they polyfilling with? That's right, micro-libraries!

So how do we address this?

There are certain things that probably shouldn't be their own module, but that path is steering too much towards writing an opinion piece. That said, there is a very popular library which I would recommend. It's in the title of this post. It's Lodash! As far as my quick glance can tell it is still the most depended-upon module on all of npm (unlikely to be unpublished, and yes npm is working on that), has great code coverage, and is packed full of well-designed and thought-out utility functions including one which does the same thing that the unpublished code from npm did (Lodash calls it padStart to match the proposal).

Update: Lodash is not only the most depended-upon package on npm, it's the most depended-upon by a large margin.

But isn't Lodash monolithic?

If you use it from a CDN, sure. But that's not the use case we're talking about here. We're talking about something which was unpublished from npm. When you install Lodash from npm there are a few ways you can grab only the functions you use so you don't bloat your build. Let's take a look.

Option 1: Import / Require Sub-Modules

When you install Lodash from npm, you can directly access individual functions as sub-modules from the main lodash module. For our friend, padStart, that looks like this:

// ES2015 import
import padStart from 'lodash/padStart';
// CommonJS
const padStart = require('lodash/padStart');

That's it! No additional setup required. That works for any function in Lodash. Just add a / and get the function you need directly. Only the parts of Lodash you need will be included in your build and nothing else. And as long as other developers depend on the same version of Lodash as you do then we get to stay nice and DRY (more on this later).

Option 2: babel-plugin-lodash

Do you use Babel as a part of your build? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you do! That means you have another option: babel-plugin-lodash. You simply use lodash as if it were a giant monolithic library:

import _ from 'lodash';
console.log(_.padStart('foo', 10));

Then all Lodash imports (and requires) and usages are rewritten to be as if you used the first option:

import _padStart from 'lodash/padStart';
console.log(_padStart('foo', 10));

You can also use the partial import syntax from ES2015. This:

import { map, reject, take } from 'lodash';
const result = map([1, 2, 3], function () {});
take(reject(result), 1);

Becomes this:

import _map from 'lodash/map';
import _reject from 'lodash/reject';
import _take from 'lodash/take';
const result = _map([1, 2, 3], function () {});
_take(_reject(result), 1);

It'll even work if you rename your imports, as such:

import { map as ldMap, reject as ldReject, take as ldTake } from 'lodash';
const result = ldMap([1, 2, 3], function () {});
ldTake(ldReject(result), 1);

Option 3: lodash-es and Tree Shaking

That first option has been around for a while. The second option is newer and doesn't require you to be as explicit, but configuring your build around a specific library may not appeal to everyone. There is an even newer technique that will probably be all the rage any day now: tree shaking for ES2015. There are two module bundlers I can think of off the top of my head that support it out of the box: webpack 2 and Rollup. Tree shaking is still a work in progress and I haven't yet gotten good results trying to shake the tree that is lodash-es (compare ~100KB to ~4KB for using _.padStart in a project). See this webpack issue and this rollup issue comment for more details.

Bonus: this all works with lodash/fp!

lodash/fp just rewrites the signatures of regular Lodash functions but still uses the underlying code of the original functions so you are still keeping things DRY if other developers aren't using lodash/fp. It's essentially just a wrapper for Lodash functions to make them more functional.

The downside: this breaks shortcut fusion.

Huh? To quote the Lodash documentation:

Lazy evaluation allows several methods to support shortcut fusion. Shortcut fusion is an optimization to merge iteratee calls; this avoids the creation of intermediate arrays and can greatly reduce the number of iteratee executions.

Of course, if you're migrating from micro-libraries such as left-pad then this shouldn't really concern you anyway because you didn't have shortcut fusion to begin with. It's just worth noting that if you pick and choose Lodash functions individually you won't be able to use shortcut fusion.

Some advice: use semantic versioning!

When you are depending on Lodash do not depend on an exact version. The Lodash maintainers are very good about following semantic versioning which means breaking changes will only be introduced in major releases. As of this writing, that means you should depend on version ^4 of Lodash (or if you run npm i -S lodash then whatever it puts in your package.json is fine, as long as it starts with ^).

Staying up to date.

So what happens when Lodash releases version 5? Fragmentation, that's what! Suddenly we're no longer DRY as some libraries will depend on Lodash ^4 and others will depend on Lodash ^5. That's where Greenkeeper comes in. Greenkeeper will watch your dependencies and automatically send you pull requests when a new version of something is published that isn't covered by the version ranges in your package.json. If your CI passes then you're good to merge (but feel free to run whatever additional checks you want to). I recommend that all open source JavaScript library authors use Greenkeeper as it is free for open source projects and it'll help you stay up to date.


Nothing I wrote about in this post is necessarily new or revolutionary, but given what I am dubbing The Great NPM Fiasco of 2016 I felt it was worth discussing in context. I would personally advise that at a minimum, if you are depending on a micro-library such as pad-left, or something similar, you should instead depend on Lodash and then use lodash/padStart, or whatever the equivalent Lodash functions are for whatever you need in your project. Whatever you do, don't just copy and paste code or re-implement basic functionality in every project. Lodash functions are well-tested (1, 2, 3) and will help you keep everything very DRY. Small side benefit: your package.json will shrink since you only need to depend on one library instead of many.

To the extent possible under law, Ken Powers has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this website. This work is published from The United States.